What’s possible
in system
and school

Stories of
At ANet, we engage school districts in multi-year partnerships to identify and solve common challenges around curriculum, assessments, system change management, and school instructional leadership. Together, we live, create, and share the stories of the transformational breakthroughs we can make over time.
At the school and system levels, we support districts to implement structures, practices, and tools that lead to improved student outcomes. In the process, we study the impact these changes have in classrooms and share what we learn with the broader education community. Our work supports all students, and particularly the expansion of educational opportunities for students of color and those from low-income backgrounds.
Washington -
New Mexico -
East Baton Rouge,
Louisiana -
Ohio -

Real Solutions,
Real Results
We know that ANet schools with the right conditions in place see 6 months of additional learning over 2 years. We also know these outcomes aren’t magic: they’re the result of many decisions, shifts and improvements that add up to changes in adult behavior that lead to better student outcomes.
Our multi-year partnerships pinpoint the places where the greatest changes have been made. We tell stories to show what’s possible through passionate leadership, shared vision, teacher empowerment, and, especially, a student-centered mindset. After four years of partnership, we are seeing promising results.
Students in ANet schools who met their yearly instructional leadership goals were on average…
more likely to achieve proficiency in math
more likely to achieve proficiency in ELA
…than schools who did not meet their goals.
After supporting Carlsbad, NM to select, adopt, and implement new, highly aligned curriculum

The percentage of teachers who believed their materials were high quality increased from 58% to 80%.
The percentage of teachers who believed their materials were aligned to state standards increased from 71% to 89%.
The percentage of teachers using the curriculum daily increased from 68% to 83%.
ANet’s instructionally relevant assessments can accelerate student learning
In both math & ELA, partners saw a statistically significant, positive relationship with student performance when teachers reported frequent use of ANet interim assessments and data-driven decision making.

I honestly believe without ANet’s partnership and guidance to district-level decision making around the implementation of the curriculum that we would not have seen the gains that we actually experienced in the Innovation Network. With our desire to implement high-quality curriculum, the Achievement Network’s partnership really focused on leadership coaching and acclimating our leaders – if you’re annotating lesson plans or taking teachers through that process – what’s the role and expectation of the leader? ANet really brought that expertise, not only to the school level leadership but also to the district level leadership.
About the Breakthrough Results Study

The multiyear, multilevel Breakthrough Results Study, supported by the Ballmer Group, demonstrates how much is possible in system and school improvement. Learning which changes have the most impact on instruction in a diverse set of districts yields a comprehensive overview of the journey of improvement across all levels of a district over several years. Educators across the country can now apply these learnings to their own school buildings and systems.
Launched in the 2018-2019 school year, the Breakthrough Results Study was designed to deepen our collective understanding of the most critical factors for boosting student learning and to accelerate positive outcomes within our partner schools. Alongside our research partner, the University of Southern California, we partnered with five diverse districts to examine strategies for fostering strong system-wide alignment on instructional goals and effective school level implementation to support great teaching and expand educational equity for all students.