for Assessment

With ANet’s partnership, school leaders successfully developed comprehensive assessment strategies.
They reported feeling extraordinary clarity about district priorities, were supportive of the district vision, and felt confident in the use of data. In our partnership with the Madison, WI, school district:
Percentage of school leaders who agree that the district had clearly-stated instructional priorities
before ANet partnership
after ANet partnership
Percentage who support the district’s vision for the role assessments should play
before ANet partnership
after ANet partnership
Percentage who support the district’s vision for the use of data in decision making
before ANet partnership
after ANet partnership
Working with assessments is really a way of gathering everyone on the team around a common standards-aligned instructional core, so they can work toward the same goals. When departments within a district collaborate across management, curriculum, and assessment functions, then the power of assessments is fully tapped. It’s about departments seeing one another’s work and achieving collective clarity on what they are aiming to accomplish together in order to see change in schools and increased student learning.
ANet’s unique value-add is that we do more than just hand you assessments and leave you to figure out how to use them. Our team coaches district and school leaders, right alongside teachers, to ensure that assessments are integrated into a holistic approach to student learning. We can facilitate conversations that center on how—and which—assessments will help leaders and teachers see their students more clearly so districts can make better decisions that will lead to improved results.
Assessments are too often limited to blunt tools that merely predict or actively limit where students will end up. We believe that formative assessments can help educators see and create pathways that can change the course of kids’ trajectories and open the way to their fullest potential. Assessments can also make teachers’ lives stressful: lost instructional time, over-testing, and pressure to reach arbitrary marks. Our tools and resources support teachers by making it easier to make decisions and take action.
ANet assessments are instruments for learning, not measurements of learning. They are:
- formative—help you build something
- flexible—help you adjust instruction to students’ needs
- reflective—help you truly see your students and understand their communities
We are committed to seeing data—both qualitative and quantitative—as an opportunity: for leaders and teachers to build strategies that lead to better outcomes for students; and for engaging students and families in the educational process. We are also a partner who can help you strike a balance between the need for productive assessments and the time they take to give.
All children should have access to an empowering education and the opportunities it provides. But under many institutional systems, testing hasn’t succeeded in increasing student learning. Instead, it’s often used as a culturally biased tool for predetermining kids’ futures. We need to use data from assessments to learn what kids know, what they need and how we can help them, instead of deficit-framing them.
We know that data works best as a tool for teachers and leaders to inform instructional practice around the unique needs of students from diverse backgrounds. Assessments should see kids for who they really are, represent their communities more intentionally, and both reflect and affirm their cultures. ANet supports partners in continuing to meld assessment strategy with equity strategy, and to deepen understanding of how strong instructional practices really are anti-racist practices.
Working with assessments is really a way of gathering everyone on the team around a common standards-aligned instructional core, so they can work toward the same goals. When departments within a district collaborate across management, curriculum, and assessment functions, then the power of assessments is fully tapped. It’s about departments seeing one another’s work and achieving collective clarity on what they are aiming to accomplish together in order to see change in schools and increased student learning.
ANet’s unique value-add is that we do more than just hand you assessments and leave you to figure out how to use them. Our team coaches district and school leaders, right alongside teachers, to ensure that assessments are integrated into a holistic approach to student learning. We can facilitate conversations that center on how—and which—assessments will help leaders and teachers see their students more clearly so districts can make better decisions that will lead to improved results.
Assessments are too often limited to blunt tools that merely predict or actively limit where students will end up. We believe that formative assessments can help educators see and create pathways that can change the course of kids’ trajectories and open the way to their fullest potential. Assessments can also make teachers’ lives stressful: lost instructional time, over-testing, and pressure to reach arbitrary marks. Our tools and resources support teachers by making it easier to make decisions and take action.
ANet assessments are instruments for learning, not measurements of learning. They are:
- formative—help you build something
- flexible—help you adjust instruction to students’ needs
- reflective—help you truly see your students and understand their communities
We are committed to seeing data—both qualitative and quantitative—as an opportunity: for leaders and teachers to build strategies that lead to better outcomes for students; and for engaging students and families in the educational process. We are also a partner who can help you strike a balance between the need for productive assessments and the time they take to give.
All children should have access to an empowering education and the opportunities it provides. But under many institutional systems, testing hasn’t succeeded in increasing student learning. Instead, it’s often used as a culturally biased tool for predetermining kids’ futures. We need to use data from assessments to learn what kids know, what they need and how we can help them, instead of deficit-framing them.
We know that data works best as a tool for teachers and leaders to inform instructional practice around the unique needs of students from diverse backgrounds. Assessments should see kids for who they really are, represent their communities more intentionally, and both reflect and affirm their cultures. ANet supports partners in continuing to meld assessment strategy with equity strategy, and to deepen understanding of how strong instructional practices really are anti-racist practices.
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